


Contact Us

Guangdong Zhaogong Technology Co., Ltd

Contact person: Mr. Deng, Miss Que

Tel: 0750-8868298

Mobile: 13676187550, 18022938699

Email: 1679185299@qq.com

Fax: 0750-8868598

Website: www.gdzhaogong.com

Address: No.1 Yadong Road, Chaoyang Industrial Park, Yayao Town, Heshan City, Guangdong Province

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Contact Us

Phone:136-7618-7550    Contact person: Mr. Deng

Mailbox:1679185299@qq.com     Fax:0750-8868598


Address: No.1 Yadong Road, Chaoyang Industrial Park, Yayao Town, Heshan City, Guangdong Province

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