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What are the applications of aluminum radiators in new industries? (1)

Date of release:2021-05-17 Author: Click:

The application of aluminum radiators is becoming increasingly widespread. What are the applications of aluminum radiators in new industries? Today, Zhaogong Technology will talk in detail with you

1、 Artificial solar engineering

Application in the Future Energy Field - International Thermonuclear (ITER) Artificial Solar Engineering

The International Thermonuclear Fusion Test Reactor (ITER) program is an international scientific project carried out by the world's scientific and technological community to solve the problem of future energy depletion for humanity. The project is jointly participated by China, the European Union, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia, and the United States. The heat pipe self cooling and heat dissipation device in the SVC device supporting this project is provided by Hetian Precision Engineering.

Aluminum Radiator

2、 Application in the field of power grid

Application in the field of power grid, control equipment in the field of power grid: SVC static reactive power compensation, SVG reactive power generator

Radiators are mainly used in valve group components, with a large number of thyristor devices for power regulation and control. Heat pipe heat dissipation is the best way to dissipate heat.

The optical controlled thyristor type SVC at the Guangxi Wuzhou Substation of China Southern Power Grid is the largest single SVC device in China. It has taken the lead in achieving significant technological innovation in high-power power electronic devices in comprehensive cooling systems and other aspects, making important contributions to China's West to East Power Transmission Project.

3、 Coal industry

Application in the Coal Industry - Application in Mining Safety Automation Equipment

Explosion-proof high-efficiency self cooling heat pipe radiators are widely used in equipment based on thyristors and IGBTs such as explosion-proof frequency converters, explosion-proof soft starters, and explosion-proof reactive power generators in the coal industry. They are widely distributed in more than 300 coal mines in China, helping to ensure the safety of over 5000 explosion-proof equipment in coal mines.

4、 Industrial energy-saving field

Application in the field of industrial energy conservation - frequency converters/soft starters

The medium and high voltage frequency converter achieves efficient energy conservation by regulating and controlling industrial motors, and is one of the advanced equipment commonly used in the field of energy conservation and consumption reduction. Its core components are IGBT or IEGT. Hetian Precision Heat Pipe Radiator is used to solve the heat dissipation problem of frequency converters, greatly improving the heat dissipation efficiency of frequency converters, and installing thousands of equipment.

5、 The field of rail transit locomotives

Application in the field of locomotives

On maglev, high-speed trains, multiple units, subways, and diesel locomotives, the high temperature of the power conversion unit inside the locomotive is caused by the heat consumption of high-power devices. To ensure the safety of locomotive operation, it is necessary to effectively cool down the core components of the locomotive. Hetian Precision Heat Pipe Radiator has been recognized and widely used in the field of locomotives.

Based on the above introduction, I believe everyone has some understanding of the application of aluminum radiators in the new industry. Guangdong Zhaogong Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional enterprise that researches, produces, and sells various specifications of aluminum profiles, aluminum radiators, and aluminum parts. The products are widely used, including the lighting industry, industrial industry, decoration industry, automotive parts, daily necessities, furniture, etc.

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The address of this article:http://en.gdzhaogong.com/news/426.html

Key word:AluminumRadiator,Aluminumradiatorfactory,Aluminumprofilespecifications

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