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Selection of Forward and Reverse Extrusion in Aluminum Profile Extrusion Production Process

Date of release:2019-09-13 Author: Click:

The direction of the extrusion axis movement is the same as the direction of the aluminum profile extrusion, which is a forward extrusion, while the opposite direction is a reverse extrusion. These two methods can be selected based on different extrusion conditions, specifically with the following differences.

Forward extrusion is the mainstream method, which is easy to operate and has strong flexibility. The technology is more mature in the forming and processing of aluminum and aluminum alloy materials, so it is more widely applicable. During forward extrusion, aluminum profile manufacturers may experience significant sliding friction due to the sliding between the aluminum profile blank and the extrusion cylinder. This friction is not conducive to aluminum product extrusion in most cases, as it can cause the movement speed of the aluminum product to be unstable, resulting in uneven stress on various parts of the aluminum product, making it difficult to control the quality of the extruded aluminum profile. Moreover, the energy generated by friction is also a great waste. Due to strong friction, heat is generated. As the relative speed between the aluminum product extrusion and the mold wall increases, the wear and tear of the mold also increases, and the lifespan decreases accordingly.

Contrary to forward extrusion, the direction of aluminum profile extrusion during reverse extrusion is opposite to the direction of extrusion axis movement. The reverse extrusion method is mainly used for cold extrusion forming of various aluminum alloy die-casting, hot extrusion forming of aluminum alloy pipes and profiles, among which high-strength aluminum alloy is relatively more commonly used. The design of aluminum profiles does not require relative sliding between the metal blank and the extrusion cylinder wall during reverse extrusion, and the required extrusion pressure and energy consumption are relatively low. Therefore, on the same level of equipment, reverse extrusion can significantly deform the aluminum profile or extrude alloys with higher deformation resistance.

The operation of aluminum profile reverse extrusion technology is complex, with long gap time, and requires the use of specialized extrusion tools and equipment, so the application of reverse extrusion is limited to a certain extent. In recent years, with the successful development of specialized reverse extrusion machines and the development of tooling technology, reverse extrusion technology will be increasingly used.

Aluminum profile price

The address of this article:http://en.gdzhaogong.com/news/411.html

Key word:Reverseextrusiontechnologyforaluminumprofiles,Aluminumprofileformingandprocessing,Aluminumprofiledesign

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