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Guangdong Zhaogong Technology Co., Ltd

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Management of Aluminum Profile Extrusion Dies

Date of release:2019-08-20 Author: Click:

Aluminum profile extrusion molds are a significant cost expenditure in aluminum profile manufacturers, so the management of extrusion molds is particularly important. Therefore, we have formulated the following management rules:

1. Clean the settled alkali in the alkali washing tank in a timely manner every day.

2. Check the operation of the steam furnace every day, check whether the steam furnace pipelines are aged and have hidden dangers. Fill out the handover record form.

3. Clean the interior of the steam furnace every half month.

matters needing attention

Workers entering and exiting the alkali washing pool of the mold must wear protective goggles, rubber gloves, and other labor protection equipment

1. According to the specifications of the extrusion mold, whether it is urgent or not, appropriate alkali and water should be added. It is generally advisable to slightly expose the lifting ring on the water surface of the aluminum profile design.

2. The washed extrusion mold is discharged from the alkali washing pool (rubber gloves, eye protection glasses, and other labor protection equipment must be worn when discharging the mold). The working belt position should be promptly rinsed with clean water. The characteristics of aluminum profiles are that screw holes, diversion holes, and lifting ring holes should be rinsed thoroughly before opening the mold

3. When opening the mold, use professional tools and a hammer with appropriate force to evenly open the mold and prevent damage to the work belt. It is particularly important to note that personnel must stand on the curved side of the mold during mold opening.

4. After flushing, the mold screws, molds, and mold pads should be sent to the repair area. The tools used for aluminum profile classification should be collected and placed back in the designated position for future use. (Screws that cannot be delivered to the mold repair area must be kept properly)

5. The alkaline solution in the sedimentation tank is regularly discharged comprehensively, and the alkaline residue is regularly cleaned.


The address of this article:http://en.gdzhaogong.com/news/417.html

Key word:Characteristicsofaluminumprofiles,Aluminumprofiledesign,Classificationofaluminumprofiles

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